Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thankful for Fall
Fall splendor, Northern California style, is carelessly flaunting itself all over the backyard. A cold front is moving in that is threatening to dust our local mountain with snow, but for now, the rain has made it's presence known. We had a lovely spot of sun in the morning, so I dashed out for a few shots.
I hope your Thanksgiving is full of friends, family, and the splendor of nature.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Duvet Refashion
Max loves geography. He has many maps, including a laminated one that came with a wipe-off pen. Unfortunately, Max used his map on his bed and ended up with black ink marks in various places on his white duvet cover. I could not get them off for love or money. Fast forward to a great sale at Joann's where I stocked up on many yards fleece for sweat pants. The yellow bolt had extra fabric, so I bought it thinking I'd make a matching hoodie. After cutting out the pans, I had almost enough to cover Max's bed, instead. An extra strip of blue from his other pants and blam, I had a "new" duvet for about $8. Here's what I did:
First, I cut the duvet apart at the seams. To make this a super easy transformation, I kept the side with the button holes to use as the back, and removed the buttons to recycle for the new cover.
I needed a little more length, so I added a contrasting stripe. Simply lay the second material on the first, right sides together, and stitch a seam. Since I used fleece, I didn't have to finish the edges, another big time saver. If you wanted to add an applique to the front, now would be the time to do it.
Spreading it all out on the floor, I pinned the old back to the new front, right sides together. Then I stitched all around, leaving the top open. ( I stitched in about 8 inches on either side of the top, so there would be square corners on each end after turning.) Turn right side out.
I folded over the top of the fleece, even with the top of the backing. I added the buttons that I had removed from the original duvet.
Thirty minutes later, a new duvet! I think these robot sheets might be the perfect companion. Maybe I should let Santa know!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Homeschool Corner - Making Molecules
What to do with all of that leftover Halloween candy? How about a science lesson? We've been studying chemistry this year, and have learned about atoms and molecules. I gathered all of the Gobstoppers, Jawbreakers, and hard round candies from the Halloween stash, and a box of glue dots.
We looked at some models of molecules in the Usborne First Encyclopedia of Science, and then they got creative. Most candies could be held together with a single small glue dot.
All science, no cavities.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Snack Bag Art and this and that
Yes, this is the extent of my illustration time each day - drawing on snack bags. I guess that explains why it has been so quiet around here lately! I plan on refashioning Max's duvet cover this weekend, so I hope to have a tutorial up for Made By You Monday. I also have 4 pairs of fleece pants, 5 pajama pants and a nightgown cut and waiting for the machine to come out of the closet! I wish the forecast had rain instead of 75 degree weather this weekend - it makes for much better sewing conditions!
I have a whole new stack of books from the library, Amazon and Bookswim on the table. Here are a few new reads and other links I've been enjoying lately:
Hold On to Your Kids, a fascinating look at our peer centered culture. I think every parent should read this one.
Love Soup - I love Anna Thomas' cookbooks, and this one is perfect for the season!
Felt Wee Folk - even Matt thumbed through this adorable how-to book. They would make great Christmas presents!
Wax Leaves - on the schedule for today. A great excuse to use my wax pot.
Herbal How-To Videos - I just placed big orders from Mountain Rose Herbs and The Bulk Herb store to gear up for winter. I think I will need to clear out at least one more shelf in the pantry! These videos from Shoshanna, the owner of the Bulk Herb Store are informative and entertaining.
This post from SouleMama, which inspired a reading nook in Madeline's room
These leaves from Made, which are also on the sewing list for this weekend
Much has been created for our homeschooling around here, but my art table feels lonely and abandoned. Please, share what you've been working on, or discoveries you've made, or what you're reading! I'd love to see!
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